GaiaTech Program

GaiaPress the new program for the interpretation of pressuremeter test

The GaiaPress software allows to :

- Manage folder sites and pressuremeter tests

- Manage pressuremeter drillings

- Manage pressuremeter probes

- Manage own expansion and own resistance tests for pressuremeter probe

- Edit pressuremeter reports on paper or numeric form

The Gaiapress software carry out the pressuremeter interpretation :

- without taking into account the geometry of the probe membrane, with standard NFP94-110

- taking into account the geometry of the probe membrane, along the patent FR89 09674

The GaiaPress software allows to :

- Interpret the pressuremeter measurements with NFP 94-110 and patent FR89 09674

- Determine the pressuremeter modulus Em and the limit pressure Plm

- Determine the elastic modulus of the soil Ee

- Determine the angle of friction Phi or the undrained cohesion Cu of the soil

To order the software goto :

 To download the demonstration package (4 files): GaiaPress V9.2.rarAdmin Control Center.rarRead Me.txtLisez moi.txt

Need any help for the installation :