JMonnet, D.Mahmutovic, J.Boutonnier, S.Taibi (2018) Calculation of retention curves for loams

ABSTRACT: Different approaches have been used for modeling retention curves. The experimental correlation was first proposed by Brooks and Corey (1966), Van Genuchen (1980) or Gallipoli et al. (2003). The physical modeling of non-saturated soils is used for this study. The shape of the retention curve is a consequence of the physical assumptions. The paper presents a theoretical model based on elastic spherical particle  arrangement. Firsly, a uniform model is presented with a single diameter of soil particle. The second step extends the use of the model to graded soils. The model uses only physical parameters easy to measure. The model is compared with the experimental retention curve of three different samples of graded soils, glass sample (4m-140m), the Livet-Gavet loam (1.6micron-3mm) and the Jossigny Loam (0,1m-0,1mm). It shows
its ability to model the experimental curves. It is of great interest for engineers as it gives a retention curve without direct measurements of suctio

Download here : Monnet Mahmutovic Boutonnier Taibi 2018 - Calculation of retention curves for loamsV11.pdf