New book "In Situ Tests in Geotechnical Engineering"

The book

For a long time, in situ geotechnical tests have suffered from a lack of credibility amongst academics who have always preferred laboratory tests, where test conditions are known and the optimalmeasures are controlled.

In this title, the author reinstates in situ geotechnical tests in the field of civil engineering by showing what they can do  for our understanding of the mechanical quantities measured in the laboratory, but also by presenting their advantages in allowing research to go further in finding data that is inaccessible to laboratory tests.
This book is aimed at engineers as well as students and researchers of geotechnical topics. It provides the reader with useful information for carrying out optimal in situ tests to achieve a better adaptation of civil engineering works in relation to the ground.

The author

Jacques Monnet is Director and Senior Engineer at GAIATECH, a planning and construction company based in Grenoble, France. It has reached In Situ tests the engineering formation, Polytech, Grenoble, France

The contents

Symbols and notations


Chapter 1 : Measuring water content and density

Chapter 2 :Soil and rock sampling methods

Chapter 3 :Measuring the total oressure, the interstitial pessure and the groundwater table rating

Chapter 4 :Measuring movement, settling, and force

Chapter 5 : Static loading tests

Chapter 6 : Tests by flat dilatometer (DMT)

Chapter 7 : Penetrometer tests (CPT, CPTU, SPT, DCPT) and variants

Chapter 8 : Direct shear tests in situ

Chapter 9 : Pressuremeter tests (PMT, SBP) and variants

Chapter 10 : Water tests in soils

Chapter 11: Characterization of sites and soils by in situ tests



New book published by John Wiley : 121,5€

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